Our Promise: We provide Certified 100 % grass-fed beef products as pure, healthy and TASTY to our customers, animals and the environment as possible. We cater to the consumer who wishes to provide themselves and nurture their family with high quality, untainted, locally grown, sustainably and humanely raised, nutritious, wholesome food and products. We have an overriding concern for the humane treatment of our animals while maintaining sound, ecologically responsible land and resource management. We participate in and contribute to the strength and pride of the local grass-fed beef & unadulterated food movement in Worcester County Massachusetts.

A Cut above the REST - we think of our beef as "premier cru" - a term the French use to denote top-drawer wine. 

Contact me with any questions on buying our meat. The popular cuts go fast, and the store is open so email, call or text me (that works best - I get as many telmarketers as you do!). The store is open most days - feel free to stop in (contact us first if you want to make SURE we are open - or to get a tour or pat some cows). We'd love to give you a tour and let you meet the animals. 

I do take orders for the future (Rib Eyes sell out in HOURS) and have a list of customers who want particular things - please feel free to contact me with questions or cuts you want. 

Listen to Joanie being interviewed on Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Lida Lo Carb Podcast on Episode 995 from the LLVLC website.
             A synopsis of the points from the interview are available on the BUYING GRASS FED BEEF tab. 
Click to link to the podcast
Proud to be interviewed on Oni's FULFILLED podcast in an episode on "the fulfilled life". Click to hear the podcast.
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Our MOST EXCITING Testimonial - from THE grassfed cooking expert!

Click the LINK to see what Stanley Fishman, author of Tender Grassfed Meat and Tender Grassfed Barbeque has to say about the quality and flavor of OUR meat!

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